In January 2024, some of the current Board of Directors members terms will expire. This is an early call for interested blues music lovers to consider applying to fill those vacancies. The terms for Board of Directors members are structured for 1, 2, or 3 years (at your discretion) so that someone with experience is always on the board.
There are 4 positions (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) which comprise the executive board. The core responsibilities consist of producing the monthly newsletter, managing merchandise, processing new and renewed memberships, scheduling monthly jam bands, planning activities for the organization, and helping to expand the fundraising capacity necessary to support those activities.
The entry period for applying to be on the board is October through December. In October, the official notice of the upcoming election will be posted, so you have plenty of time to consider putting your knowledge and skills to work to make this a better organization. Send any questions to or use the Contact form on this website.